Issue 6 - DEGEN Beach Episode - July 2022
Posted 3/5/2024
by Koreina Sit'nalta
When DJ Mallow came to play at GLiTCH on February 27th, 2024 for our Airship Pirate Venue Build Reveal - he mentioned that he and I go wayyyy back. He's not wrong! DJ Mallow was one of our Venue's of Interest back during the inception of the magazine! In fact this interview took place in the basement of Roane's Medium on Exodus at the time, which we'd turned into the Boiler Room! We hosted our Escorts of Eorzea pageants out of that build, and I even invited Mallow and his crew over to do the interview right there on the runway! Take a peek at this exclusive interview with DJ Mallow, Meena Meow and Jojo Ohemgee from the summer of 2022!